What Is The Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost?


Rhinoplasty is nothing but a plastic surgery performed by Plastic Surgeons, facial plastic surgeons and Otolaryngologists to enhance the appearance on the patient’s nose. It is also familiarly known as ‘Nose Job.’ It is mostly performed to repair nasal fractures and other structural related problems. 

In these cases, the goal is to restore pre-injury appearance or to create a normal appearance. People who prefer to undergo Rhinoplasty either do it to look more appealing or repair a disfigured or damaged nose, which happened in accidents or damages, as mentioned above.

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There are two main types of plastic surgeries used – Reconstructive Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery. Reconstructive surgery restores the nose’s form and functions while Cosmetic Surgery changes the appearance of the nose.

Types of Rhinoplasty Surgeries

There are mainly two types of Rhinoplasty Surgeries, and the rhinoplasty surgery cost different. The following are those types:

1. Closed Rhinoplasty Surgeries

2. Open Rhinoplasty Surgeries

How is Rhinoplasty performed?

The rhinoplasty surgery cost requires anesthesia, depending on how complex the surgery is and what the surgeon prefers. Discuss with the doctor before surgery which type of anesthesia is most appropriate for each patient.

First of all, the doctor does Local anesthesia on the patient. The operation may last for about 2-3 hours. Slits have done inside the nostrils, which is known as ‘Closed Rhinoplasty.’ In ‘Open Rhinoplasty’ slits across the tissue between the nostrils and inside the nostrils.

How much time does it take to recover from a rhinoplasty?

Recovering may take around 5-6 weeks for the bones in the nose to heal following surgery. During this period, one has to avoid difficult exercises, and even the movements that seem harmless like Stretching, Lifting or Bending over can increase deep nasal swelling. After the surgery is done, the patient is asked to rest for a few days until the repaired nose is cured.

Care has to be taken during the recovery period to see that no pressure, either accident or negligence, happens to the nose.

Speed Recovery Tips from Rhinoplasty

There are some fastest ways to recover from Rhinoplasty or Nose Job. Certain Tips are given below:

  • Avoid Spicy Food
  •  Go for a walk
  • Follow a perfect diet
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Take it easy for the first 7-10 days
  •  Avoid difficult exercises, …etc.

One has to follow these ways for a speedy recovery. Now, let us know about cost i.e., the price for performing this surgery.

Cost of this Surgery

The rhinoplasty surgery cost is in the range of USD 3000 to $15,000, depending on the number of different components. This year (2020), the cost may range on an average in the range between USD 6500 to $10,000, and this cost is only for those patients who need extensive nose reshaping. 

There are many super-specialty hospitals and clinics which perform this surgery. The cost may differ from hospital to hospital, but one thing is sure that the person who seeks to reshape their noses are either Big Celebrities or rich people who can afford such huge operation charges.

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