Things To Know Before Buying A New Home In Perthshire


If you are looking to buy a new home, there is lot of planning that you need to do. After all those months of excitement and stress, comes the big payoff. But before that there are things that you must know  when you are going to buy a new property in sale in Perthshire.

Here are the things that you must know before buying a new home in perthshire:

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Roof which need a repair:

When you visit a new home, always check if the roof is intact or not. Check if the roof is new or is caved in. if the roof looks really attractive and if there is no chance that it might end up putting a hole in your pocket. Make sure that the roof is made from a material which can defend against the water or harsh air.

Never Judge a room from its paint:

Visiting a new home demands a lot of attention. You look for the detail and make a judgement of your own. The judgement can be made on the perspective that the room is neat and clean and have a nice paint job, which is wrong. The judgement must be made on whether all the structure is right and there are no loose wires and more. Paint job can be done again after some years but if there is a problem in structure, it can cost you a fortune.

Temperature settings:

Take this into your consideration that when you are going to buy a new home in Perthshire, there could be a possibility that the house might be old. Make sure that all the heating and cooling systems are working because they are very expensive to fix or replace. The ones which do not work properly or are inefficient might reflect an increase in your utility bills.

So make sure that every system is working properly.

Check for the plumbing:

When you out to buy a new property for sale in Perthshire, never ignore to take a good look at the kitchen. Taking a good look does not mean to just look at the kitchen on an eye level. Look under that sink in the kitchen and notice if there are any damages, or water leaks. Check all the pipes properly.

If there is any dirt under the sink, it can cause health problems. You need to be extra careful if you are living with an elderly person or a baby or someone who has problems of breathing.

Check Land around the house:

Do not just look inside the house, but also examine the land properly which is around the house. Make sure to check if the house is not prone to flood or any forest fires. Check the driveway if it’s not shared with the neighbour property. Are the fences built correctly and are positioned properly or not. You can never ignore what surrounds your house as you have to live with it for your life.

If you are also looking for a new property of sale in Perthshire, you can visit Ogilvie homes and we will find you the best place in Perthshire on the best locations.

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