Sleep Disturbances in Autism | Best Autism Treatment Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR


Almost 80% of kids suffering from ASD have Sleeping problems. In generally, sleeping problems in children and insufficient sleep can result in daytime sleepiness, apart from these they have learning problems and behavioural issues such as hyperactivity, distracted and aggressive. In recent studies, children with ASD stated that a poor sleepers shows more uncertain behaviour than good sleepers. Difficulty in sleeping and repeated awakenings during the night is the most common sleeping problems in children with ASD. CAPAAR Centre is the foremost Best Autism Treatment Centre in Bangalore.

Studies are in progress the about children with ASD assessing levels of hormones such as melatonin and other chemicals released by the brain are affecting the sleep in children. Behavioural problems such as poor sleep, hygiene and limit setting issues can contribute to insomnia. Additionally, medical issues more common in children with ASD such as epilepsy or acid reflux can disrupt their sleep. Sometimes, the medication your child might be taking can be alerting and contribute to difficulty of falling asleep.

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Scientists like to designate that “correlation doesn’t equal causation.” In other ways, just because two things are associated, it doesn’t necessarily mean one is causing the other. Much more research would be needed to prove the causes and effects. In this situation, the researchers acknowledge that, they don’t know yet if insufficient sleep is increasing children’s ASD symptoms or inversely. There is also a third possibility, that insomnia and autism is both caused by something else, such as a shared genetic change.

CAPAAR the Best Autism Treatment Centre in Bangalore will provide the Behavioural strategies to encourage a healthy sleep. This strategy will include the following:

  • Creating a calm and predictable bedtime routine,
  • Keep the bedroom grimy,
  • Don’t take caffeine in the diet,
  • Reduce use of cell phones, television and other electronic devices during night time. Their light can obstruct with the body’s production of melatonin for sleeping, and exciting games and programs may keep the child too active.

Best Autism Treatment Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR. Dr . P.Sumitha Hemavathy (PT) is one of the Best Autism Doctor in Bangalore who has been specialized in all kind of autism related problems.

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