A quick guide on Vacuum casting and how it can be beneficial to your firm


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The manufacturing industry is always changing and evolving as producers look on a new way of how to be innovative and keep up with the emerging trends and changing needs of their consumers.

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To improve these tech and production techniques, several concepts of printing technologies have been introduced and one of them is vacuum casting. It’s the most economical and cheaper way of making a prototype or machined part or products. 

If you are looking for a less complicated production technique, vacuum casting should be at the top of your list. A lot of companies are incorporating the services into their production techniques providing exceptional results. 

To know more what vacuum services are and benefits your company should expect, keep on reading to know more.

What is Vacuum casting?

It’s a process in which elastomers use a vacuum to draw molten material onto the mold. The casting service is used when there is an issue of air entrapment in the mold. The service is also suitable where undercuts and intricate details are required on the mold.

The vacuum vesting process is also commonly known as thermoforming as it involves rapid prototyping in which there is preheating of the plastic sheets. The materials to be preheated is done in an automated vacuum casting machine until the pliable and soft. 

How does Vacuum casting works?

The entire casting technique follows a comprehensive and detailed process when making the final product. These are the steps involved in vacuum casting 

Having a quality master model 

For the casting process to be a success you require a high-quality master model, the master can sometimes be an industrial part. Additionally, designers can use master models created through stereolithography for those using prototyping applications. 

Always ensure the master used to have accurate dimensions and appearance which ensure there is no transference of defects and flaws onto the final product.

Curing process  

The master model is in turn fed onto the two-part silicone rubber mold. The curing of the mold is done under extreme temperatures to make sure that the dual parts completely stick onto each other which enhances the durability and strength of the mold.

After mold curing is done, it’s then cut open displaying a hollow part at the center which has the precise size and dimensions as the master model. The mold is in turn cut into two and inserted in a vacuum chamber. Lastly, the mold is filled with a molten material crating a final product.

Filling the resin  

The mold should be filled with your preferred material, the resin used usually have the same traits and features of the industrial material. The resin material is mostly combined with a coloring pigment or metallic powder fiving its functional and aesthetic properties.

After filling the mold with the resin material, it’s in turn placed on a vacuum chamber ensuring there are no air bubbles on the mold which makes sure the end product is not damaged or ruined.

The final curing phases 

For the final curing process, the resin is inserted on the oven. The curing is normally done at high temperatures making the end-product durable and strong; the next step is the removal of the silicone mold from the mold cavity.

The prototype or product is decorated and painted giving it a gorgeous look and feel. 

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