How to cancel American airlines flight within 24 hours


Check out the simple procedure to cancel your American Airlines reservations

Have already booked your reservations with American Airlines? But, due to some unforeseen reasons there are chances that some passengers might need to cancel their reservation. Hence, in order to help them out, here is the detailed information about American Airlines cancellation policy and its procedure that you keep in mind for getting a quick and easy refund.

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Conditions for cancelling American Airlines flight ticket within 24 hours

  • As per the policy of the airline, if the passenger cancel their flight ticket within 24 hour of purchase, a full refund will be provided for both refundable and non-refundable fares.
  • It is required that the passenger book their reservations the official website of the airline or by through the reservation center.
  • And for those applying for cancellation, it is required that the reservation was booked at least 2 days before the departure.
  • Moreover, it is required that the passenger reach out to the reservation center of the airline within 24 hours of purchase of the reservation.
  • In addition, this policy is not applicable for getting a refund for the non-air services like hotel bookings or car rentals.
  • Once the passengers fulfill the above conditions, one can easily cancel their reservations by following these simple steps:
  • To cancel American airlines reservations within 24 hours, visit the airline website.
  • Look for the My Trips option and click on that particular option.
  • Enter the details linked to the reservation like full name, booking number.
  • After that, click on the Find button to retrieve the booking.
  • Once the booking is retrieved, click on Cancel option and proceed.
  • Further, a prompt will appear on your screen confirming the cancellation with the airline.
  • Then, click on the particular prompt and confirm your cancellation.
  • And once the cancellation request is submitted, a confirmation email regarding the same will be sent.

Thus, with the completion of this process, you can easily cancel your ticket and resolve your query on how to cancel American Airlines flight within 24 hours. Further, you will be provided with the particular code which you can use for claiming refund for your reservation.

Hence, next time whenever you need to cancel your reservations with the airline, keep this simple process in mind or contact reservation center.

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