Cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention India


Are you worried about getting Ayurvedic medicine center India for Heart failure treatment? India has been the home of Ayurveda and Parijatak Ayurveda offers the best possible methods of curing Congestive heart failure symptoms. In much less time the place has grown into one of the best as vascular disease care center India which attends to the patients with its team of experts, Congestive heart failure stages and Coronal Artery Disease are treated as emergency by their medical team. Most of the staff is well qualified and knows how to deal with such situation when a patient reports of such grave disorders.

Best cardiospasm treatment India, Ayurvedic treatment for heart blockage, don’t ignore the symptoms of heart disease. Get chest pain cure Nagpur, Maharashtra, India right now. Contact @Parijatak or visit now.

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A list of factors have been reported to cause cardiovascular disease. These include heredity of a person, presence of diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, high serum cholesterol, lack of exercises and the habit of smoking.  Heart failure symptoms must not be ignored at all and any kind of chest paon must be subjected to medical aid without delay.

Parijatak has all the facilities and provides the Congestive heart failure cure as required by the patients. Get in touch with Parijatak and find out more on Heart blockage treatment without surgery in India. That is the magic of Ayurveda when you can trust the goodness of natural therapies. Contact parijatak and avail the Natural remedies for heart disease which have no side effects. Trust Ayurveda.

Heart diseases are common among middle-aged people but are becoming increasingly common in younger age groups too. Ayurveda proposes a different understanding of pathogenesis and subsequent healthcare. Ayurveda holds several factors responsible for cardiac disorders and they have been reviewed by many researchers from time to time. The predisposing factors are a genetic composition of a person, the presence of diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, high serum cholesterol, lack of exercises and the habit of smoking.

These factors can make a person vulnerable to heart disease to a great extent. Improper diet and stressful lifestyles lead to accumulation of fats on the inner walls of the blood vessels causing thickening of arteries (Dhamani praticaya) or hardening of arteries (Dhamani kathinaya) resulting in angio-obstruction (Vata dosa) and angina (Ruja). Ayurvedic treatment for heart blockage, Avoiding these factors as much as possible, following the healthy lifestyle and taking low caloric diet are the ways to prevent IHD.

Parijatak Ayurveda is one of the best and well-equipped heart attack treatment in India. One can avail the best of Ayurvedic medical treatment and cardiovascular disease treatment. Nagpur has been the center for Parijatak’s heart disease treatment and experts give the best remedies here. We use natural remedies and herbs such as guggul, Arjuna, Ashwagandha, and Shatavari which help reduce cholesterol levels in blood and provide effective heart block treatment in Parijatak Ayurveda. Garlic, Cinnamon, and their ayurvedic formulations are very effective in treating heart diseases.

You can get the most beneficial myocarditis treatment at this wellness center for heart cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention failure treatment India. Yoga, Pranayam, meditation, and stress relieving techniques have already proved their efficacy in the management of cardiac problems.

With a whole course of herbal treatment and patient-friendly environment, Parijatak Ayurveda has emerged as one of the most sought-after heart care centers in India. We care for those who come to us and aim to give the best therapeutic solution.


Ayurvedic Treatment of Cardiospasm In India

Achalasia Cardla

  • It is called cardiospasm

Causes and symptoms.

  • It is a condition in which the lower esophagus sphincter fails to relax.
  • There will be difficulty in swallowing solid food and liquids also.
  • Chest pain, regurgitation of food will be reported during night.
  • Chest pain may occur during ingestion.
  • There is another condition called corkscrew Oesophagus, in which un co-ordinated movement of peristalsis of esophagus are seen. Chest pain will be present. These uncoordinated contractions don’t propel food effectively to stomach.
  • Usually severe pain will be there, pain increases after the exercise. This may mimic the chest pain.
  • I have seen people having this problem even after surgery.


  • Barium x-ray
  • Endoscopy
  • Biopsy is taken at the lower end of esophagus to rule out cancer.
  • Sometime endoscopic procedure can produce erosion.


  • Chillies, tamarind, pickles, etc., should be avoided
  • Coffee, tea should be reduced
  • Vega dharanam must be avoided.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Cardiospasm In India

Treatment principle

  • Udavarta cikitsa
  • Vibandhahara ousadas
  • Vata gulma cikitsa
  • Tamaka savasa cikitsa
  • Mrdu snehana

 Protocols are adopted here.

  • Spasms can be taken as kaphavruta vata avastha.
  • So kapha vatahara,anulomana, usna, kincit sneha drugs should be selected.
  • The following drugs help the lower oesophageal sphincter to relax more easily.


  • Lasunadi or Resonadi kasayam (kapha vata haram, usnam ) 60 ml morning and night before food.
  • Gandharva hastadi kasayam with salt and jiggery (anulomana)60 ml morning and night before food.
  • Citraka granthyadi kasayam-60 ml morning and night before food.
  • Nayopayam kasayam- 60 ml morning and night before food.
  • Saptasaram kasayam-60 ml morning and before food.
  • Panasa cada (jack fruit leaves) laja (buffed rice) kasayam 60 ml along with dhanvantara gulika- 2 tablets muhur- muhur prayogam.


  • Asta curnam- 1 teaspoon with butter milk morning and night after food.
  • Bhaskara lavana curnam- 1 teaspoon with warm water morning and night after food.
  • Vaiscvanara curnam- 1 teaspoon with warm water morning and night after food.
  • Avipathi curnam-1 teaspoon with warm water morning and night after food.


  • Hinguvacadi gulika-2-0-2 with butter milk after food.
  • Antrakutara rasam-1-0-1 with butter milk after food.
  • Dhanvantara gulika(Muhur muhur)
  • Kashthuri gulika -2-0-2 after food.


  • Nayopam lehyam-1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
  • Dasamula haritaki -1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
  • parusakadi -1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
  • Sukumara rasayanam -1teaspoon morning and night after food.
  • Ghrtam
  • Indukantham ghrtam (katu rasa, usnam, sophgnam) -1 teaspoon morning and after food. (drdva amasaya is kaphasthana. So it is more effective).
  • Hapusadi ghrtam-1 teaspoon morning and after food.
  • Sadphala ghrtam -1 teaspoon morning and after food.
  • Dadimadi ghrtam -1 teaspoon morning at empty stomach.


  • Abhayaristam-15 ml morning and night after food.
  • Pippalyasavam – 15ml morning and night after food.
  • Dantyaristam -15 ml morning and night after food.
  • Bhutikaranjasavam-15 ml morning and night after food.


  • Sukumara erandam(anulomanam) 15 ml once in 3 days at bedtime with milk (thamaka svasa cikitsa, i.e., prati marga harana cikitsa principle is considered here)


  • Narikera lavanam+ bhaskara lavanam (3gm) mixed with butter milk (100ml) – muhur – Muhur prayogam.

External treatment

  • Urovasti with laksadi tailam
  • Phalavarthi (Dipped in eranda tailam shuld be used after food in the noon for apananulomana)
  • Mild sneha svedana can be given in the chest region and throat region.
  • In my practice, I feel udavartha cikitsa is effective few cases end up in dilatation or surgery or botulinum toxin therapy.

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