Top 25 Careers In Shipping

  • The field of marine is one of the most exciting fields in the world and it holds millions of employment opportunities which is within itself. Along with marine employment, it also gives you a lot of adventure, remuneration and, the most important is ‘fun’. It would be the best industry for you if you are someone who loves exploring new and unique yet profitable opportunities.

So, here we have listed most of the adventurous and unique marine careers which will offer you a satisfying and exciting professional life. Before choosing a career in maritime, you have to know that the jobs are tough but rewarding. And that they will satisfy your needs as well as those of clients who you assist to ship goods.

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Also read: Boat Vs Ship

This list includes most of the career options in shipping which ranges from lesser qualification to those with higher degrees.

  1. Naval Architect- This career is all about designing and planning of the ships or the vessels. It is amongst those careers which offer several other opportunities also.
  2. Marine Engineer- The profession of marine engineers in shipping involves repairing and maintenance most of the ship’s machinery. For those who are interested in ships’ technical aspects would find this career as one of the most exciting fields.
  3. Shipping Broker- In this profession, one has to deal with selling and buying of ships. It also sometimes includes shipping of cargo. This field required marketing skills rather than theoretical knowledge and is considered one of the most competitive yet rewarding fields. In simple words, a shipping broker works as a link between the buyer and the owner of the ship.
  4. Bosun- The field of career is under the deck department of the shipping careers. A bosun is the one who helps in carrying out most of the ship operations and leads the ship’s crew department.
  5. Oil Driller- This profession involves the drilling activities on offshore vessels and oil rigs. It is one of those jobs which provides good returns. However, it also requires great mental as well as physical strength.
  6. Ordinary Seaman (OS)- This job is also one of those jobs which involves work in the ship’s deck department and is considered a promising career at the sea.
  7. Ship Fitter- This field is about maintaining and repairing of the ship but under the ship’s officer’s guidance.
  8. Tool Pusher- A tool pusher is the one who is responsible for maintaining the constant supply of all the important items on an oil rig.
  9. Tugboat Jobs-This field of jobs are mainly for people who love the sea but also want to stay near the shore.
  10. Shipbuilding Engineer- This profession deals with the aspects of engineering which are related to designing and construction of ships.
  11. Shipping Freight Broker- These people work as a link between those who have ships which can transport cargo and those want to ship a cargo. The career is also considered as a rewarding yet highly competitive career.
  12. Cruise Ship Designer- If you are one of those who is interested in cruise ships and their designs, then this is the perfect job for you. It is also an exciting career yet rewarding job.
  13. Shipwright- This is another highly specialized profession which involves the construction and designing of ships.
  14. Pumpman- People in this profession are responsible for the management of pipelines on the ship and offshore vessels.
  15. Roughneck- The profession involves all the laborious work on an oil rig or an offshore platform. It is considered amongst the lower level of marine jobs.
  16. Motorman- Motorman is the person who is responsible for the maintenance and watchkeeping of the engine room on the ship. This is also a very rewarding job and needs lesser qualifications.
  17. Wiper-These people assist officers on the ship in to carry out various procedures and also helps in ship’s maintenance. This job also requires lesser qualifications.
  18. Marine Environmental Management- This is the best profession for the people who are environment lovers and are worried about the damage to the environment.
  19. Barge Engineer- Barge engineers are the people who are involved with the operation of the barge and ensure it’s smooth functioning. It is one of the most important positions in the gas and oil industries and also offers a lot.
  20. Underwater Photography- This is surely the most exciting, adventurous and glamorous career in marine which definitely requires a lot of courage and skills.
  21. Aquaculture- If you are interested in sea life, then aquaculture is surely something which you can pursue. This career requires a lot of interest and passion.
  22. Ship Banker- This is not totally considered as a marine career, however, it is also related to the field. This profession involves ship financing and banking. One should definitely choose this profession if you are interested in both the marine world and banking.
  23. Electro Technical Officer- The profession deals with maintaining and understanding all the electrical systems as well as equipment on the ships or offshore vessels.
  24. Cargo engineer- This profession of cargo engineer in the world of shipping involves supervising the condition of the transporting cargo, loading and discharging. This profession has always been in high demand.
  25. Gas Engineer- These people deal with mainly offshore gas and oil industries. This is another profession in the field of ships which needs great mental as well as physical skills. However, it is also an extremely rewarding marine career.

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