Rules to Follow When Choosing New Sunglasses


When you’re about to buy new sunglasses, you want them to fit perfectly on your head. It’s a well-known fact that not all shapes and forms will suit everyone perfectly. There’s no one-size-fits-all model that you can get and enjoy.

Of course, you can always wear something that doesn’t suit you, but it’s better to get a pair that will be perfect for you. Because of this, you need to know what the rules of picking frames and sunglasses are. Learn more about frames here.

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In this article, we’re going through a few of these rules. You’ll learn what you need to know and always look only at those frames that are perfect for you. Follow up to see more on this subject.

Learn the face-frames rules

There are certain rules to be followed when choosing the right frames. Depending on the shape of your face, you’ll pick the right frames. So, this is a quick chart that will explain what you need:

  • An oval face can wear all frame shapes
  • Round face need rectangle shape
  • The square face needs rounded shapes
  • Triangle face needs aviator models
  • Heart faced people need cat eye models

These are some general rules, but there are exceptions from them, of course. You should also know that the oval-faced people can wear all types and are free to choose from any kind. They’ll look good in anything.

The others need to mind some rules. Although some frames are going to look good on them, they should avoid others. The rounded types should avoid equal frame types – rounded. The same goes for those with squared faces.

The triangular should be avoiding looking at ovals. This isn’t going to work for them, and the heart-shaped should stay out of aviators, for example. These are the ground rules that everyone must know before going shopping.

When they learn the rules, it’s going to be easier time shopping. They’ll know what not to look at all and only focus on those items that deserve attention. Why waste time on something that simply isn’t going to look good on you, when you can do spend time searching for truly valuable ones.

Never compromise on quality

When you choose the right frame and model for you, make sure that you’re getting a top-notch brand that will provide perfect protection from the sun. You need a serious manufacturer and not someone selling glasses on the flea market.

Always look for models that have quality-made glass and high UV protection. For example, if you open Oliver Peoples Sunglasses, you’ll see that their models are also offered through the prescription program, which means they provide perfect protection. This is a must, and you shouldn’t make compromises on this.


These are the ground rules that you must know before going forward with your shopping experience. Instead of spending time at the section with models that are not suitable for you, spend time only at those places where you know you’ll find top glasses.

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