Ordinary OPC cement or fly ash cement which is best for home building


The basic trait, difference and uses according to cement manufacturers of OPC and PPC cement is as described below:

PPC Cement

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Pozzolana is a natural or artificial material which contains silica in the reflex form. Portland Pozzolana Cement is cement fabricated by consolidating Pozzolanic materials. This cement contains OPC clinker, gypsum and pozzolanic materials in specific extents. The Pozzolanic materials incorporate fly ash, volcanic ash, calcined clay or silica fumes. These materials are included in an extent of 15 percent to 35 percent by cement weight.

OPC Cement

Conventional Portland concrete is fabricated by crushing a blend of limestone and other crude materials like argillaceous, calcareous, gypsum to a powder. This concrete is accessible in three kinds of grades, for example, OPC 33 grade, OPC 43 review and OPC 53 review. OPC is the most generally utilized concrete on the planet. This kind of cement is chosen where the quick pace of construction is finished. Be that as it may, the creation of OPC has lessened, as it were, as mixed concrete like PPC has favorable circumstances; for example, reduce ecological contamination, energy consumption and more economical.

The disparity between OPC and PPC (Fly ash cement) Cement

The major deviations in their traits and usages are

  • Portland Pozzolana Cement is a variety of Ordinary Portland Cement. Pozzolana materials in particular fly ash, volcanic ash, are added to the OPC with the goal that it becomes PPC. Pozzolana materials are added to the concrete in the proportion of 15 percent to 35 percent by weight.
  • Both are eco-friendly materials yet Pozzolana Cement utilizes natural and industrial waste in this way decreasing the environmental pollution.

Use of PPC plus OPC

  • PPC is accepted to be future item considering its different applications in the construction business. They are reasonable to use in antagonistic ecological conditions. They can be dependably used in the construction of marine structures, brickwork mortars, and plastering, hydraulic structures. Additionally, they are prominently utilized in mass cementing works, for example, dikes, sewage tubes, dams, and so on. PPC is likewise utilized in every other application where OPC is utilized.
  • OPC is the most regularly utilized cement around the world. The expense of production isn’t costly making it the most sought-after cement in the building business. They are generally utilized for the construction of elevated structures, streets, dams, bridges, flyovers. Additionally, OPC is utilized for making grouts and mortars. OPC is perfect for the building of residential and industrial complexes.


Both OPC and PPC are normally utilized cement in construction. Nowadays, PPC is utilized as a substitute of OPC. PPC is a variety of OPC which includes a blend of a pozzolanic material that upgrades the quality of the concrete. PPC likewise cuts down the measure of OPC necessity in making concrete. Thinking about these components, PPC has a slight edge over OPC. In any case, it is hard to arrive at an unmistakable resolution by the cement suppliers, hence they supply both types.


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