Know What Diastasis Recti After Postpartum Is Actually Like?


For all the expecting mothers, it is not that surprising to know that the belly grows during pregnancy. In actuality, what most pregnant women do not realize is that changes are not only there in skin and uterus, but it also impacts all the way down to the abdominal muscles. 

This happens when the baby grows during the last stages of pregnancy, and the belly expands more. Thankfully, this expansion of connective tissues that runs under the pubic bone and rectus abdominal muscles, the linea alba tissue stretches out and becomes lax while allowing the little one to have more room. Well, it is definitely something phenomenal that a woman’s body can do this! 

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Hold on! Guess what the weird thing is after this. When the alba loses its tension ability, it is not able to support the belly very well. As a matter of fact, diastasis recti postpartum becomes a stubborn cause. So,if you are suffering from the same, then you might look a bit bloated all the time. And even despite your hard efforts, you will not be able to slim down your midsection. 

What are the symptoms of diastasis recti after pregnancy?

Undoubtedly, this problem can be highly troublesome, and you may have a series of complaints like: 

  • Having trouble with abdominal pressure while sneezing or coughing
  • Constipation 
  • Stability issues with body posture
  • Increased back and pelvic pain problems 
  • High chances of C-section delivery. 
  • Less internal support of the intestines

Things can also transform cosmetically for your body if you have diastasis recti after C-section as your stomach will not flatten the same way it used to be. And,even after a year or so, you will still feel like having that mommy’s tummy. If this is in your case as well, don’t hesitate to see expert exercise sessions to bring yourself back in shape. You don’t stress much, here are a few steps you can follow to heal or prevent diastasis recti. 

Keep your body always in the right alignment

Simply imagine the alignment of your body’s bones and joints, the way they are stacked up to create a posture. Definitely, the position is going to be healthy, supported, weak, or may lack core strength at times. So, it is better to ensure the connective tissues have the right amount of tension and length. A pro tip to follow is to keep your spine not too straight and not too curved. It should be in a neutral position. Here’s how to get it: 

  • Stand with your feet facing straight and directly under the hip bones.
  • Then position your ribcage over the top of your hips
  • Now, simply allow the lower back to arch a bit while thinking of growing up through the crown of your head. 

Using this alignment during your exercise routines will surely help to heal postpartum diastasis recti. 

Improve your floor and core connection

Another vital area to focus on is to have a clear understanding of how pelvic muscles gain and release tension while working out. Here is a brief how you can improve the floor and core connection:

  • Lie down on the floor, ensuring that your hips, heels, and head are in a straight line. 
  • Drape your upper arm over the front of the rib cage.
  • Take a deep breath and allow the air to reach your ribs, belly, and pelvis area.
  • Now is the time to perform a full exhale and gently lift your abs and pelvic floor. 

A tip to keep in mind here is to know that contractions are quite gentle, so make sure you only use 30% of your maximum ability. If possible, try doing these exercises with a medical-grade compression postpartum girdle or a corset to achieve better results. 

No matter what, just love yourself! 

Yes, it is also the time to give yourself enough grace. As you just had a baby, you are amazing just the way you are! Even if you do not get back that body shape, always know you are perfect, you are being loved, because you are YOU! 

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