Know About the Advantages of Using 5 Axis Cutting


When the term cutting is uttered what image appeared in your mind? A chisel and a hammer perhaps? Well, this is an image that is appeared when an individual hears the aforementioned word. But in this fast forward lifestyle of human chisel and hammer are not practical enough. Hence with the rapid growth of the new cutting edge technology 5 Axis Cutting is introduced in the cutting industry.

5 Axis Cutting uses a computer numerical control (CNC) to initiate movement of cutting tools simultaneously along five axes. The cutting tool moves in such a way along the axes to keep the tip always perpendicular to the part which makes it easier to traverse a variety of complex parts.5 Axis Cutting gives best results in if you want to make a masterpiece of marble or titanium.

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Advantages of Using 5 Axis Cutting Methods:

Here, we enlist the top advantages of using the 5 Axis Cutting methods over all traditional techniques.

  1. A minimal single setup and enhance efficiency: 5 Axis Cutting machines improve efficiency, save time, reduce costs and minimize errors in comparison to the traditional cutting techniques. The traditional 3 Axis machines required multiple setups, higher expenses, inability to draft complicated shapes, and various other errors and inaccuracies. With 5 Axis Cutting machines, complicated shapes are easily carved due to its flexibility of movement along different axes simultaneously. The best part is that all of this can be done in a single setup saving a lot of time.
  2. Higher cutting speed and short cutting tools: Longer cutting tools are very inconvenient to use and usually results in a large error. 5 Axis Cutting machines allow you to use shorter cutting tools.  Hence you can lower the head to direct the cutter in a proper fashion. In that way it enables higher cutting speed putting in extra pressure and load on the cutter. This aspect also reduces the tool vibration which would have otherwise caused large cavities and pores disrupting the actual want. This fact gives the product a better and smooth surface finish.
  3. Helps to build complicate departs in a lesser time span: 5 Axis cutting conveniently gives you the advantage to build a machine with complicated parts. It enables you to get the accurate result in a shorter period of time. Casting usually takes several months to finish for small prototypes and runs. But, 5 Axis Cutting gives you the ability to machine your parts in a span of few weeks. In addition it also helps to maintain a chip load constantly along with maintaining optimum cutting position. In that way it ensures to enhance the cycle time and life span of tools.
  4. Hole drilling in an orderly manner: 5 Axis Cutting machining provides an advantage of drilling an array of holes with different compound angles in an orderly manner. If you had used 3 axis machines, you would have required using a different setup for each hole causing a lot of inconvenience and havoc. 5 Axis Cutting machines thus save a lot of time and effort giving faster and more accurate results. Furthermore, 5 Axis Cutting machines have the ability to slightly lean the table or cutting tool which thereby prevents collisions with the holder of the tool.

Energy and time are the two major matter of concern for any industrial power. And, 5Axis Cutting technologies save both in a very efficient manner. 5 Axis Cutting technologies have been broadly used in aerospace industry but in these days this technology is being adopted to several other industries. With the above mentioned benefits, it will soon become indispensable for the industries to choose 5 Axis Cutting technologies in a very narrow span of time.

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