Anti-Aging Skin Treatments – Treat Your Face Like a Whole New Person


Anti-Aging Skin Treatments are a billion dollar industry. The promise is that a particular formulation will make you look younger by delaying the signs of aging, preventing or masking visible signs of aging, or reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Anti-Aging creams are primarily moisturiser-based cosmetic skin care products sold with the claim of making the user look younger by smoothing, hydrating or eliminating wrinkles. Many anti-aging wrinkle creams contain collagen, elastin and or protein formulas that are applied topically to the skin to create a smoother appearance. 

These types of topical skin treatments do not provide lasting structural benefit to your skin.

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AntiAging Skin Treatments

Wrinkles occur because the dermis has stopped producing enough collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin cells beneath the surface of the skin begin to die and be replaced by new, fibrous cells. This provides an illusion of smoother, younger looking skin that actually comes from the loss of connective tissue between the collagen and elastin fibers. However, as people age, including through exposure to the sun, the body cannot replace these important tissues and fibers, so the skin begins to form wrinkles and fine lines.

A physician can administer some types of anti-aging skin treatments for specific needs such as acne scars, dermatitis and deep wounds. In these cases, the physician and the patient must decide on a course of treatment based on the type of problem. For example, deep tissue massage is often used to treat deep wounds while special creams may be prescribed for dermatitis. Anti-Aging Skin Treatments that target acne scars can be very effective at reducing and often eliminating unsightly pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, although treatments for precancerous growths may not be recommended for people with those conditions.

Collagen is made by the body and plays an integral role in the formation of firm, elastic skin. When you are younger, your body produces collagen and this helps to smooth out wrinkles and lines. As you age, though, the body does not make as much collagen and as a result, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag, creating wrinkles and lines.

One of the most common types of anti-aging treatments for sagging skin is Botox. Botox is actually a poison created from botulism. It is administered by way of tiny injections into the affected muscles. The reason Botox is commonly used to treat wrinkles is because it temporarily paralyzes the muscles making them unable to contract. Over time, this causes the wrinkles to disappear, along with any other facial wrinkle.

If you do not want Botox injections, there are other non-invasive options for treating facial wrinkles and lines. If you have excessive swelling or puffiness due to severe damage to the skin, then you may want to consider laser treatments. In laser treatments, low level laser energy is used to target the problem areas on your skin. As a result, blood vessels are damaged and collagen is stimulated which leads to the formation of new, firmer skin. This type of treatment can be done in minutes rather than hours, so it is quick and easy on the body.

Other anti-aging treatments for sagging facial skin include injectable fillers, which are made from hyaluronic acid polymer. Hyaluronic acid polymer is a natural substance in the body but usually found in high concentrations in older people who have decreased production of this substance. These dermal fillers, though, can also be used on younger people who have a lack of hyaluronic acid in their skin. Dermal fillers can smooth out lines and wrinkles but do not treat the wrinkles themselves.

Botox injections are a great way to temporarily reduce facial lines and wrinkles but there are more lasting solutions that work better in the long term. If you want to stay younger looking longer, consider non-invasive solutions like chemical peels. Chemical peels can make your skin look fresh and younger for up to three months with no downtime. In fact, you can even do the chemical peel at home without a doctor’s care or expense.

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