Step by step guide to dental implant


The Osseo integrated implant is a medical device intended to be a substitute for the tooth root and serves to support your new fixed teeth. The implanted teeth have a natural appearance, and are the ones that best recover the feeling of firmness and comfort of our own teeth, allowing us to carry out a totally normal diet. For any dental implant to be successful, it is of paramount importance that we visit the Best Dentist in Kolkata. It is a safe and reliable treatment. Yes, every implant is different in characteristics and process.

Surgery planning

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Before Full Mouth Dental Implant in Kolkata, it is important to plan the case thoroughly. The specialist will need a computer case planning system with 3D technology, which allows viewing the patient’s bone in detail in all its dimensions and planning the placement of the implants prior to the surgical act. 

Placement of a dental implant step by step

The placement of an implant is performed in the dental office by a professional Cosmetic Dentist in Kolkata. It is done with local anaesthesia. Placement of a step-by-step dental implant traditionally consists of three phases:

STEP 1 – In this first step, the team will introduce the implant into the bone, leaving it completely buried under the gum. In this way, the implant will be protected from possible infections. Then wait between 2 and 4 months to move on to the next phase.

STEP 2 – The team will make a small incision in the gum to check that the implant has been integrated into the bone and will connect the healing abutment to it. Often, this process is done on the same day, depending on the characteristics of the supporting bone.

STEP 3 – After 2 to 4 weeks, the specialist can begin to manufacture and place the teeth on the already integrated implants.

Need follow up – After the placement of the prosthesis, it is essential to always follow the recommendations of the specialist and make regular maintenance visits so that the implants can live many years with us.

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